At B2BSUPPLIES you can choose from one of the largest product portfolios for the industrial, trade and construction sectors. You have the opportunity to order the product you need directly through our procurement platform, www.b2bsupplies.com. Your order will be immediately processed by us and you will receive the goods within the shortest possible time.
Placing Orders
When you have found the item(s) you want on b2bsupplies.com, you can simply add them to your shopping cart. If you want to order more than just one piece of the respective item, you can adjust the number of pieces in the shopping cart according to your needs. Then you can either continue shopping and search for more items and add them to your shopping cart or go to the checkout and complete the order.
Once you have placed all items in your shopping cart, you can register as a customer with B2BSUPPLIES or continue as a guest to complete the order. To do this, simply fill in the fields displayed and then click submit order. Within a very short time you will receive an order confirmation by e-mail, in which the products you ordered are displayed.
If you already have a customer account with B2BSUPPLIES, the registration is cancelled and you can log in to your customer account with your username and password and place your order.
Search Function
If you are looking for a specific article on B2BSUPPLIES, you can easily use the search function. Simply enter the desired item into the search field at the top of the screen and have a selection of suitable product suggestions displayed. Our search function also responds to various criteria. Simply enter the appropriate criteria in the search field and you will be shown a selection of suitable search hits.
If we can not offer you a suitable article for your search, you will receive as a search result that zero hits were found for your search term.
Try other search terms as well.
If you do not yet know exactly which item you want to order, you can also simply click through the product categories at B2BSUPPLIES. The product categories can be found via the menu button in the upper left corner of our website. You can select the appropriate category from the categories displayed and, by means of the selection between the options displayed, refine it further and further until you have found the desired article or have found an article that has all the properties you want.
When searching for products in the various product categories, you will be shown a large number of suitable filters. With the help of the filters, you can narrow down your product search meaningfully and only display the products that are relevant to you. In the product search via the categories, exactly as many filter options are offered as it seems reasonable for the respective category.
If you are specifically looking for products of a particular brand or manufacturer, you can also look through our brand world to see which products of a particular brand are offered on B2BSUPPLIES. Simply click on the brand you want in the brand world and view all products offered by this brand at B2BSUPPLIES.
Matching Products
If you could not find the right item in your search via the search function, the categories or the search of a specific brand via the brand world, then you always have the opportunity to send us a inquiry. Simply use our 360°-Procurement Service.
With this procurement service, B2BSUPPLIES offers you the opportunity to request any item you need from us. Simply enter the required information in the specified fields, such as your contact details, the article description of the desired article, the brand of the desired article, the manufacturer's article number, the quantity required by you and your maximum asking price.
We will then search for the right product for you and offer it to you within 48 hours. If it concerns more complex products or project-related special material, we will contact you promptly in order to clarify any questions that may have arisen.